It’s vital that peo­ple are engaged in train­ing and devel­op­ment on a reg­u­lar basis, but as most train­ing takes employ­ees away from their work envi­ron­ment, our learn­ing often gets sidelined. 

1. Time

Bal­anc­ing the need for learn­ing with dai­ly job require­ments is often a chal­lenge for those work­ing in train­ing and devel­op­ment. This is even more appar­ent when try­ing to imple­ment social learn­ing like coach­ing or men­tor­ing.

With iCon­nect, you can devel­op learn­ing dia­logues over dis­tance and over time with­out tak­ing employ­ees away from their every­day role for sig­nif­i­cant lengths of time.

“iCon­nect allows sales man­agers and team mem­bers to view each other’s sales exam­ples at a time suit­able to them. It means as a team we can pro­vide more peer sup­port, men­tor­ing and coach­ing with­out it impact­ing our day to day work. We’ve all improved as a result.”  — Lau­ren Trig­well, Senior BDM

iCon­nect focus­es on cap­tur­ing learn­ing that is ongo­ing in the work envi­ron­ment and uses this as a tool for train­ing and devel­op­ment. By mov­ing learn­ing into the work­place, train­ing time con­straints become great­ly reduced.

2. Collaboration

Evi­dence shows that employ­ees who col­lab­o­rate, men­tor and coach each oth­er are more like­ly to be hap­pi­er in the work­place and even more like­ly to remain loy­al to their organ­i­sa­tions, sig­nif­i­cant­ly reduc­ing staff turnover.  How­ev­er, facil­i­tat­ing this lev­el of col­lab­o­ra­tion has a num­ber of dif­fi­cul­ties, includ­ing time, cul­ture, flex­i­bil­i­ty and resources. 

With iCon­nects’ shar­ing, groups and com­men­tary fea­tures, col­lab­o­ra­tion is easy. Employ­ees are able to share their per­for­mance for feed­back with col­leagues, man­agers and train­ers. This cul­ti­vates the growth of knowl­edge in-house and pro­motes the shar­ing of ideas and feed­back. It also reduces the pres­sure to pro­vide for­mal train­ing as employ­ees are work­ing togeth­er to com­mu­ni­cate and improve.

“It’s a great teach­ing tool to enable trainees to reflect on their own con­sul­ta­tions. They can also either pick ran­dom cas­es, or what they feel to be their best or worst cas­es, to show to their train­er or their peer group.” — Dr James Bur­den, Lake­side Med­ical Practice

Learning Organisation

3. Onboarding

Imag­ine you have a num­ber of new starters; each new starter could have access to a wide range of resources. Each of these resources uses real evi­dence-based prac­tice as best prac­tice to onboard new starters in a way that is high­ly engag­ing and per­son­al. Not only would the new starter gain an inside look at the way your organ­i­sa­tion works, but they will also get to know the faces of your com­pa­ny, increas­ing the engage­ment in your onboard­ing programme. 

“We start­ed using iCon­nect as an induc­tion and train­ing tool for our sales func­tion 9 months ago and the results have been fan­tas­tic. Our new starters reg­u­lar­ly com­ment that it’s the most sophis­ti­cat­ed train­ing expe­ri­ence they’ve had.” — Lucy Franklin, Sales Director

New starters will have access to com­plete resources which will reflect the unique way your com­pa­ny oper­ates. By using our groups and reflec­tions func­tion­al­i­ty, the onboard­ing process becomes com­plete­ly cus­tomis­able and change­able, grow­ing and evolv­ing as your com­pa­ny devel­ops with­out any addi­tion­al costs. 

4. Managing and creating training resources

Using our iOS app, cre­at­ing videos and cap­tur­ing real prac­tice is eas­i­er than ever before. You can then share these videos with one click and cre­ate cus­tomised groups around learn­ing for a more com­pre­hen­sive resource. By mak­ing these process­es eas­i­er, you can focus your atten­tion on the train­ing and devel­op­ment with­in your organ­i­sa­tion and give it the time it deserves. No more faffing around try­ing to edit, or com­mis­sion con­tent. iCon­nect removes bar­ri­ers to learn­ing so you’ve got the time to ded­i­cate to the learn­ing that’s actu­al­ly happening. 

“We want­ed a sys­tem that was going to be high qual­i­ty, with good sound qual­i­ty, that enabled videos to be used very rou­tine­ly, reduc­ing the amount of time it took train­ers to set-up. iCon­nect has done that in every aspect. It’s tak­en the stress of tech­nol­o­gy away from the record­ing of con­sul­ta­tions. It’s made record­ings able to be about learn­ing and how con­sul­ta­tions can be improved.” — Dr James Bur­den, Lake­side Med­ical Prac­tice

iCon­nect cap­tures expe­ri­en­tial learn­ing as it hap­pens in your organ­i­sa­tion and trans­forms it into a resource to be shared across your organ­i­sa­tion. Resources can also be accessed any­time, any­where, so employ­ees can learn as and when the need aris­es; refresh­ing skills, help­ing oth­ers and learn­ing flexibly. 

By util­is­ing self-reflec­tion and reflec­tive obser­va­tion, iCon­nect trans­forms con­crete expe­ri­ence into active exper­i­men­ta­tion to ini­ti­ate effec­tive behav­iour change in the work­place. Pro­vid­ing you with a learn­ing tool that solves numer­ous train­ing and devel­op­ment chal­lenges in the workplace.

Get the most out of train­ing obser­va­tions: Down­load your free copy of our guide >

4 train­ing and devel­op­ment chal­lenges iCon­nect can solve