Develop your staff remotely
utilising in-house resources

Expe­ri­ence the pow­er of video tech­nol­o­gy for pro­fes­sion­al learning

iConnect platform

Choose the package that suits your organisation:

2–100 users

per user
Billed annu­al­ly
Get start­ed

Exist­ing customers

101–200 users

per user
Billed annu­al­ly
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Exist­ing customers

201–300 users

per user
Billed annu­al­ly
Get start­ed

Exist­ing customers

300+ users


Get in touch
Request a quote

Do you have any questions?

All the packages include:

  • Access to our ful­ly GDPR com­pli­ant, video-enabled pro­fes­sion­al learn­ing platform 
    • App (Android + iOS) for secure video recording
    • App (Android + iOS) for mobile plat­form access
    • Screen record­ing to cap­ture video meetings
    • Quick and easy video clip­ping and sharing
    • Time-stamped com­ments for qual­i­ta­tive feedback
    • Rubric Forms for analy­sis and impact assessments
    • Secure inte­grat­ed video conferencing
    • Pow­er­ful shar­ing and col­lab­o­ra­tion features
  • Ded­i­cat­ed Consultant
  • Tech­ni­cal sup­port via live-chat, phone and email
meeting recording

“iCon­nect has enabled us to ret­ro­spec­tive­ly observe our deliv­ery staff, over­com­ing the chal­lenges of time and dis­tance. It’s allowed us to work col­lab­o­ra­tive­ly to improve our train­ing, learn­ing and assess­ment meth­ods, there­by improv­ing our trainees’ over­all experience.”

- Tyrone Hoy­land, Qual­i­ty Improve­ment Man­ag­er, JTL Training

Trusted by over 2,300+ organisations in 30+ countries worldwide

Revolutionising sales training

Accor­dance VAT is a rapid­ly grow­ing com­pa­ny with a reg­u­lar intake of new starters join­ing their sales team. Before iCon­nect, sales train­ing was a time-con­sum­ing process.

Now they have rev­o­lu­tionised the way train­ing is deliv­ered to their sales force, con­sid­er­ably increas­ing rev­enue and efficiency.

The future of GP training

Lake­side Health­care in Northamp­ton­shire are using iCon­nect across their three surg­eries to sup­port the train­ing of GP spe­cial­ist trainees.

The system’s secure record­ing and video review has rev­o­lu­tionised Lakeside’s pre­vi­ous­ly tra­di­tion­al approach and become an essen­tial part of how the prac­tice deliv­ers teaching.

Trainer re-accreditation

Health Edu­ca­tion Eng­land North West (HEE NW) have been using iConnect’s video cap­ture app and online feed­back plat­form since 2017 to sup­port GP train­ing and specif­i­cal­ly train­er re-accreditation.

In that time, train­ers in the North West have record­ed and shared over 1,500 videos via iCon­nect for their re-accreditation.

Frequently asked questions

The iCon­nect plat­form is built to be as intu­itive and easy-to-use as pos­si­ble. If you need assis­tance, you can con­tact our help­ful Sup­port Team by using the chat box on the web­site or by email­ing [email protected].
Licences are pur­chased on an annu­al sub­scrip­tion basis, renew­ing your licences each year.
If some­one leaves your organ­i­sa­tion, you can deac­ti­vate their account and allo­cate that licence to some­one else.
You can sim­ply choose not to renew your annu­al subscription.
Absolute­ly. If you decide that you need a few more licences, sim­ply click on ‘Exist­ing Cus­tomer’ below the ‘Get Start­ed’ but­ton and tell us how many you need and we can allo­cate them to your exist­ing account. Or email us on [email protected].