Develop your employees remotely utilising your in-house resources

Find out more 


Save time

No trains, no flights, no long car rides. Nei­ther for you, nor your employees.


Save money

No trav­el­ling means also no costs for trans­port, accom­mo­da­tion or a train­ing location.


Increase training effectiveness

Enable high­er skill trans­fer into prac­tice than with tra­di­tion­al train­ing methods.

Use the iConnect video system to…


Train the trainer

  • Remote­ly qual­i­ty assure and coach trainers
  • Record your deliv­ery for self-review, analy­sis, feed­back and coach­ing over distance
  • Encour­age active exper­i­men­ta­tion and train­er self-reflection
  • Share train the train­er best practices
  • Find out more >

Upskill your staff

  • Eas­i­ly share best prac­tice examples
  • Enable self-improve­ment through effec­tive video-based reflection
  • Coach your employ­ees over distance
  • Pro­vide your team with valu­able resources in groups
  • Find out more >


Onboard new employees

  • Accel­er­ate the onboard­ing process
  • Enhance shad­ow­ing
  • Deliv­er coach­ing and feed­back more effectively
  • Sup­port and encour­age peer mentoring
  • Find out more >

Improve team performance with iConnect

“As a team we can pro­vide more peer sup­port, men­tor­ing and coach­ing with­out impact­ing our day to day work. We’ve all improved as a result.”

- Lau­ren Trig­well, Senior BDM at Accor­dance VAT

See iConnect live and in action