Capture GP consultations for high-quality training and development practice

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Save time

Sim­ply record videos with our easy to use app and share and access them at the click of a but­ton. Stop wor­ry­ing about the tech­ni­cal set-up or file-trans­fer after.


Record & store securely

Record­ed videos are auto­mat­i­cal­ly encrypt­ed and uploaded into your secure and pass­word pro­tect­ed account on our ful­ly GDPR com­pli­ant platform.


Enhance Feedback

Give con­tex­tu­alised feed­back very eas­i­ly. Our inte­grat­ed com­ment-func­tion on the plat­form is time-stamped to every relat­ed point in the video.

“We want­ed a sys­tem that was going to be high qual­i­ty, good sound qual­i­ty, that enabled videos to be used very rou­tine­ly and reduced the amount of time it took train­ers to set-up. iCon­nect has done that in every aspect. It’s tak­en the stress of tech­nol­o­gy away from the record­ing of con­sul­ta­tions. It’s made record­ings able to be about learn­ing and how con­sul­ta­tions can be improved.”
- Dr James Bur­den, GP Trainer

Use the iConnect video system for…


GP Training

  • Make reflec­tion on prac­tice eas­i­er, quick­er and safer
  • Alle­vi­ate set-up, qual­i­ty and sound prob­lems to focus con­sul­ta­tion record­ings on improv­ing trainee practice
  • Reas­sure patients by being a less inva­sive option than oth­er technology
  • Over­come data pro­tec­tion issues and infor­ma­tion gov­er­nance risk with a secure, pass­word pro­tect­ed system
  • Improve trainee and train­er rela­tion­ships by enabling trainees to choose which con­sul­ta­tion videos they share
  • Offer pos­si­bil­i­ties for career-long pro­fes­sion­al learn­ing and support

Find out more » 

Trainer re-accreditation

  • See how train­ers deliv­er teach­ing & learn­ing with­in their practices
  • Iden­ti­fy & bet­ter sup­port train­ers that need extra guidance
  • Give train­ers the oppor­tu­ni­ty to eas­i­ly record, reflect & improve their own practice
  • Let your train­ers share a video of learn­ing with some reflection
  • Eas­i­ly record a learn­ing or coach­ing event
  • Use the sys­tem to record teach­ing events or patient con­sul­ta­tions and assess the train­ers skills pri­or to a course participation

See a case study » 


Interested to find out more?

It’s been fan­tas­tic to use iConnect’s soft­ware to review GP trainees’ con­sul­ta­tions remote­ly, as well as tri­an­gu­lat­ing GP trainee obser­va­tions and feed­back with an exter­nal GP Edu­ca­tion­al Super­vi­sor. My expe­ri­ence of the soft­ware has been very pos­i­tive and it’s real­ly straight­for­ward to use. ”
- Dr Mayur Vib­huti, GP Trainer