The sim­ple answer is YES.

And this blog will tell you how.

Remotely assessing apprenticeship standards

Like with any form of accred­i­ta­tion, assess­ment is cru­cial to ensure that your appren­tices are qual­i­fied to a stan­dard­ized lev­el. This can take the form of end point assess­ment or ongo­ing assess­ment depend­ing on the pro­gramme the appren­tice is involved in, some­times both are used. Assess­ment can cov­er skills obser­va­tion, pro­fes­sion­al dis­cus­sions, port­fo­lios of work, projects and online mul­ti­ple choice tests in order to give employ­ers con­fi­dence that their appren­tice will devel­op the skills they need to make a real con­tri­bu­tion to their com­pa­ny. How­ev­er, this requires an awful lot of man­pow­er, trav­el and organ­i­sa­tion. So why aren’t more peo­ple opt­ing to remote­ly assess appren­tice­ship standards

Chances are, as an asses­sor, com­pa­ny or provider, you will be look­ing after a num­ber of appren­tices at any one time. There­fore, you will have to nego­ti­ate between all of them in order to ensure that each indi­vid­ual is get­ting the atten­tion they need.

Now, imag­ine you can cap­ture the appren­tice’s skills as and when they are devel­op­ing. These skills can then be shared with the train­er, asses­sor, provider and com­pa­ny as and when they need to mon­i­tor progress or for assess­ment pur­pos­es. Final­ly, imag­ine that these skills can then be used for remote coach­ing and men­tor­ing wher­ev­er you are.

assess apprenticeship standards

So what do I mean by capture?

Video cap­ture of course. 

Through the use of video, it is pos­si­ble to remote­ly assess appren­tice­ship stan­dards. You get to see the learn­ing that your appren­tices are engaged in which cre­ates vis­i­bil­i­ty between all play­ers in your apprentice’s jour­ney. The train­er can see the learn­ing that’s hap­pen­ing in the work­place, the employ­er can see the stan­dard of train­ing and the asses­sor can, well… assess! As a result, con­fu­sion over the apprentice’s devel­op­ment dis­solves and com­mu­ni­ca­tion becomes sim­pler whilst show­ing you your appren­tice’s occu­pa­tion­al confidence.

As an added bonus, cap­tur­ing the devel­op­ment of these skills as the learn­ing hap­pens to evi­dence their progress over time and allow to assess appren­tice­ship stan­dards in an objec­tive and reli­able way. Whats more, the appren­tice can see them­selves learn­ing and per­form­ing skills, allow­ing reflec­tive obser­va­tion and abstract con­cep­tu­al­iza­tion of those devel­op­ing skills. The appren­tice can receive remote coach­ing, feed­back and obser­va­tion from their train­er, employ­er, or even the asses­sor, should they need it. Feed­back is then con­tex­tu­alised in line with the skill they are per­form­ing, accel­er­at­ing their learning.

So there you have it. Inte­grat­ing video into your apprentice’s learn­ing jour­ney has ben­e­fits for not just the appren­tice, but the provider, com­pa­ny and asses­sor. Learn­ing and assess­ment stan­dards become vis­i­ble, acces­si­ble, and mea­sur­able sim­ply by click­ing record. 

Are you won­der­ing if video cap­ture can enhance the appren­tice­ship pro­gramme in your organ­i­sa­tion? Fol­low this link to find out more. 

Can we remote­ly assess appren­tice­ship standards?
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