The simple answer is YES.
And this blog will tell you how.
Remotely assessing apprenticeship standards
Like with any form of accreditation, assessment is crucial to ensure that your apprentices are qualified to a standardized level. This can take the form of end point assessment or ongoing assessment depending on the programme the apprentice is involved in, sometimes both are used. Assessment can cover skills observation, professional discussions, portfolios of work, projects and online multiple choice tests in order to give employers confidence that their apprentice will develop the skills they need to make a real contribution to their company. However, this requires an awful lot of manpower, travel and organisation. So why aren’t more people opting to remotely assess apprenticeship standards
Chances are, as an assessor, company or provider, you will be looking after a number of apprentices at any one time. Therefore, you will have to negotiate between all of them in order to ensure that each individual is getting the attention they need.
Now, imagine you can capture the apprentice’s skills as and when they are developing. These skills can then be shared with the trainer, assessor, provider and company as and when they need to monitor progress or for assessment purposes. Finally, imagine that these skills can then be used for remote coaching and mentoring wherever you are.
So what do I mean by capture?
Video capture of course.
Through the use of video, it is possible to remotely assess apprenticeship standards. You get to see the learning that your apprentices are engaged in which creates visibility between all players in your apprentice’s journey. The trainer can see the learning that’s happening in the workplace, the employer can see the standard of training and the assessor can, well… assess! As a result, confusion over the apprentice’s development dissolves and communication becomes simpler whilst showing you your apprentice’s occupational confidence.
As an added bonus, capturing the development of these skills as the learning happens to evidence their progress over time and allow to assess apprenticeship standards in an objective and reliable way. Whats more, the apprentice can see themselves learning and performing skills, allowing reflective observation and abstract conceptualization of those developing skills. The apprentice can receive remote coaching, feedback and observation from their trainer, employer, or even the assessor, should they need it. Feedback is then contextualised in line with the skill they are performing, accelerating their learning.
So there you have it. Integrating video into your apprentice’s learning journey has benefits for not just the apprentice, but the provider, company and assessor. Learning and assessment standards become visible, accessible, and measurable simply by clicking record.
Are you wondering if video capture can enhance the apprenticeship programme in your organisation? Follow this link to find out more.