Proven higher training effectiveness at a fraction of the cost of traditional methods


Proven by data

What’s the challenge?

  • Learn­ers for­get 90% of what they learn one month after an instruc­tor-led course
  • Only 12% of learn­ers apply the skills from train­ing to the job
  • 40% of train­ing bud­gets are spent on trav­el costs
  • The aver­age busi­ness los­es 12% of its employ­ees each year includ­ing their knowledge

Why experiential video capture?

  • 70% of learn­ing hap­pens infor­mal­ly with lit­tle means to mea­sure or cap­ture it
  • >View­ers retain 95% of a mes­sage when they watch it in a video
  • Coach­ing and men­tor­ing increas­es chance of skill trans­fer to 90%
  • By using video and call cap­ture, organ­i­sa­tions reduce trav­el costs by 87%

iConnect — The proven solution

  • 94% of employ­ees said their per­for­mance had improved
  • 88% said their con­fi­dence had increased
  • 99% report­ed an increase in con­ver­sa­tions about devel­op­ment among staff
  • 88% felt there had been a pos­i­tive impact on collaboration

Interested to find out more?

Proven by research

iCon­nect has strong research foun­da­tions that still thrive today. We are inspired by research, used as a tool for research and a sub­ject of research internationally.

iConnect University of Sussex research

Inspired by research

  • Uni­ver­si­ty of Sussex
  • Utah State University
iConnect Harvard Research

Used as a resource in research

  • Har­vard University
  • VIA Uni­ver­si­ty College
  • Math­e­mat­i­ca
iConnect EEF research

Subject of research

  • Uni­ver­si­ty of Bedfordshire
  • Uni­ver­si­ty of Birmingham
  • Edu­ca­tion Endow­ment Fund

“It’s an out­stand­ing piece of tech­nol­o­gy from a com­pa­ny who pro­vide unprece­dent­ed lev­els of sup­port and backup.”
- Rob All­sopp, Region­al Direc­tor at WCAT

Proven by our customers


Revolutionizing sales training

Accor­dance VAT is a rapid­ly grow­ing com­pa­ny with a reg­u­lar intake of new starters join­ing their sales team. Before iCon­nect, sales train­ing was a time-con­sum­ing process.

Now they have rev­o­lu­tion­ized the way train­ing is deliv­ered to their sales force, con­sid­er­ably increas­ing rev­enue and efficiency.

Read full case study > 

The future of GP training

Lake­side Health­care in Northamp­ton­shire are using iCon­nect across their three surg­eries to sup­port the train­ing of GP spe­cial­ist trainees.

The system’s secure record­ing and video review has rev­o­lu­tionised Lakeside’s pre­vi­ous­ly tra­di­tion­al approach and become an essen­tial part of how the prac­tice deliv­ers teaching.

Read full case study >

Trainer re-accreditation

Health Edu­ca­tion Eng­land North West (HEE NW) have been using iConnect’s video cap­ture app and online feed­back plat­form since 2017 to sup­port GP train­ing and specif­i­cal­ly train­er re-accreditation.

In that time, train­ers in the North West have record­ed and shared over 1,500 videos via iCon­nect for their re-accreditation.

Read full case study >

Trusted by 2,500+ organisations in 30+ countries worldwide


Togeth­er with our sis­ter com­pa­ny IRIS Con­nect (spe­cialised on the edu­ca­tion sec­tor), we pro­vide our video tech­nol­o­gy and learn­ing plat­form to over 2,500 organ­i­sa­tions world­wide. Get in touch to find out if iCon­nect would be a great solu­tion for you too!

Request a free Demo

I can’t praise the sup­port we’ve had from iCon­nect over the past three years high­ly enough. There’s no ques­tion about whether we’ll renew our contract.”
- John Ban­nis­ter, Net­work Man­ag­er, St John Bosco Arts College