6 Powerful Training Tools
in 1 Easy-To-Use Platform

The future of video-enabled expe­ri­en­tial learn­ing and devel­op­ment using in-house resources
Dis­cov­er iConnect

One platform.
Many opportunities for effective training.

With iCon­nect you can record skills and exper­tise, analyse per­for­mance, pro­vide feed­back and enable social learn­ing across your organisation,
all from with­in our easy to use app. Bring your team togeth­er online to access, reflect, devel­op and share skills and expertise.

Video recording

Record in-house, devel­op­men­tal role­play as well as in-per­son meet­ings, con­sul­ta­tions, or client inter­ac­tions through our apps (Apple or Android), or record on-screen hap­pen­ings on any video-con­fer­enc­ing plat­form using our inte­grat­ed screen cap­ture tool.

Simple video editing

Clip teach­able moments from longer videos to use in train­ing mate­ri­als or as exam­ples of best prac­tices direct­ly in the platform.

Time-stamped feedback

Pro­vide con­tex­tu­alised feed­back or anno­tate record­ed videos using time-stamped com­ments for clear com­mu­ni­ca­tion over dis­tance. Per­fect for asyn­chro­nous learn­ing and 1–2‑1 coach­ing from any­where, at any time.

Video-enabled analysis

Use cus­tom built-in rubrics to analyse and com­pare staff per­for­mance from any­where in the world. Align this data with your turnover and you’re able to effec­tive­ly mea­sure the impact of var­i­ous train­ing oppor­tu­ni­ties and increase the pre­dictabil­i­ty of staff competency.

Easy sharing and collaboration

Encour­age col­lab­o­ra­tion by secure­ly shar­ing videos and oth­er train­ing mate­ri­als with indi­vid­u­als or entire organ­i­sa­tions. Use the plat­form groups for cre­ation and shar­ing of mul­ti­me­dia con­tent, from a sim­ple resources library to inter­ac­tive learn­ing programs.

Secure video conferencing

Use pass­word pro­tect­ed break­out rooms, inter­ac­tive white­board, shared notes and more to secure­ly facil­i­tate online role­play, sem­i­nars, and 1–2‑1 coach­ing ses­sions through our ful­ly-fea­tured, GDPR com­pli­ant and 100% brows­er-based video con­fer­enc­ing tool (no soft­ware or plu­g­ins required).

Sign up to iConnect today!

See Pack­ages

Safeguarding & Security

We take safe­guard­ing and secu­ri­ty seri­ous­ly. All record­ed videos are encrypt­ed and auto­mat­i­cal­ly uploaded to your pri­vate and secure account in our ful­ly GDPR com­pli­ant plat­form, ready to reflect on, edit or share at a lat­er date.

By default, only the per­son who uploaded a record­ing has access to it unless they decide to share a video at their own dis­cre­tion. Ensur­ing full con­trol and pri­va­cy for every user.


I’m sur­prised not all surg­eries use it. As reg­is­trars, it’s much eas­i­er for us to record our videos than it was before iConnect.

Dr James Burden, GP Trainer

I’d def­i­nite­ly rec­om­mend iCon­nect to oth­ers to use because it’s such an easy method of upload­ing as many videos as often as you like, and pro­vides the abil­i­ty to feed­back very quick­ly to the learn­er. It’s also very user-friend­­ly, all the GPs have found it easy to use.

Mei Lee, GP Programme Administrator, HEE NW

We want­ed a sys­tem that was going to be high qual­i­ty, good sound qual­i­ty, that enabled videos to be used very rou­tine­ly and reduced the amount of time it took train­ers to set-up. iCon­nect has done that in every aspect. It’s tak­en the stress of tech­nol­o­gy away from the record­ing of con­sul­ta­tions. It’s made record­ings able to be about learn­ing and how con­sul­ta­tions can be improved.

- Dr James Burden, GP Trainer

iCon­nect has enabled us to ret­ro­spec­tive­ly observe our deliv­ery staff, over­com­ing the chal­lenges of time and dis­tance. It’s allowed us to work col­lab­o­ra­tive­ly to improve our train­ing, learn­ing and assess­ment meth­ods, there­by improv­ing our trainees’ over­all experience.

- Tyrone Hoyland, Quality Improvement Manager, JTL Training

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Explore what iCon­nect can do for your company.