In my pre­vi­ous role as one of the Glob­al Learn­ing & Devel­op­ment Man­agers for a large scale finance com­pa­ny, my expe­ri­ences and the chal­lenges I faced wouldn’t have been any dif­fer­ent from many oth­er L&D Man­agers lead­ing a wide­spread or glob­al train­ing deliv­ery team; or any oth­er type of team come to that matter. 

In my envi­ron­ment, lead­ers were deal­ing with teams span­ning any­where between 10 — 25 coun­tries and sup­port­ing the devel­op­ment of thou­sands of peo­ple, work­ing across mul­ti­ple disciplines.

The challenges of money, space and time

As L&D Man­agers, many of us find our­selves try­ing to mon­i­tor, devel­op and assess the deliv­ery per­for­mance of team mem­bers who are, in many cas­es, in dif­fer­ent coun­tries and speak­ing dif­fer­ent languages. 

We are respon­si­ble for the coach­ing and the devel­op­ment of teams frag­ment­ed by time zones and space, as well as for their moti­va­tion and well-being. Our task is to hire, onboard, upskill and con­tin­u­ous­ly devel­op train­ers so that they are quick to com­pe­ten­cy and able to deliv­er engag­ing and inter­ac­tive cours­es that meet many com­plex inter­nal and exter­nal standards. 

With min­i­mal or zero trav­el & expense allowance, and every­one work­ing in silos, this can become a very dif­fi­cult task. Gain­ing vis­i­bil­i­ty into their train­ing rooms gets hard­er and hard­er, as do all of the lead­er­ship require­ments and upkeep of the team’s morale. We are always on the search for a solu­tion to: 

  • Help us share prac­tice amongst the team
  • Quick­ly bring peo­ple up-to-speed
  • Cre­ate cohe­sion and a sense of inclusion
  • Enable us to have trans­paren­cy into our team’s per­for­mance and evi­dence to sug­gest the same

learning environment banner

Discovering the Solution that Provides Transparency

As a result, when I got my new role at iCon­nect I became incred­i­bly excit­ed at the avenues the plat­form could open up for those I’d said good­bye to. Being able to remote into their train­ing room, or see video clips of their choice would pro­vide an imme­di­ate gate­way into the lives of the team, their train­ing room inter­ac­tions and their expertise. 

Hav­ing objec­tive analy­sis capa­bil­i­ties (like iCon­nect Forms) would have aid­ed my due dili­gence as a leader to effec­tive­ly assess, rate and devel­op them. Hav­ing the abil­i­ty to share videos would have empow­ered the team to share real prac­tice, ask each oth­er ques­tions and address com­mon challenges. 

This could be devel­oped even fur­ther by cre­at­ing iCon­nect Groups to allow the team to build banks of use­ful video clips, cre­ate cur­ricu­lums to help new and exist­ing train­ers get up-to-speed, as well as to enable par­tic­i­pants to catch up on any­thing they might have missed.

Bridging the Performance Management and Impact Gap

I could also see a way to use the plat­form to link train­ing room per­for­mance with over­all busi­ness out­comes; sta­tis­ti­cal analy­sis of train­er per­for­mance vs busi­ness KPIs meant a case could be made for direct impact – every L&D Manager’s dream! 

This could not only be used for the train­ing room but also for: 

  • One-to-one inter­ac­tions
  • Devel­op­ing soft skills
  • Cap­tur­ing and shar­ing oper­a­tional interactions 

What iCon­nect does is cross time and dis­tance bar­ri­ers with­out incur­ring T&E costs. It opens up the lines of com­mu­ni­ca­tion, brings togeth­er a dis­persed team, pro­vides trans­paren­cy and makes man­ag­ing a team so much eas­i­er. This can be as sim­ple or as sophis­ti­cat­ed as you want to make it, link­ing in with exist­ing LMS and oth­er systems. 

When I joined iCon­nect, I found myself say­ing the same thing ‘if only I’d had this in my old role…’ Don’t miss out like I did, learn how iCon­nect can solve a lot of the chal­lenges that you prob­a­bly cur­rent­ly face. 

Ask for a no oblig­a­tion demo today to see exact­ly how the iCon­nect plat­form can save you time, mon­ey and cor­ti­sol production.

vision for learning organisations CTA

Solv­ing prob­lems for learn­ing & devel­op­ment managers
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