Coach­ing and men­tor­ing are often over­looked because of the costs and time asso­ci­at­ed with rolling it out, mak­ing them seem out of reach for the major­i­ty of organisations. 

But giv­en that 80% of peo­ple who receive coach­ing say their con­fi­dence increased, over 70% ben­e­fit from improved work per­for­mance, rela­tion­ships, and more effec­tive com­mu­ni­ca­tion skills, and 86% of com­pa­nies report that they recouped their invest­ment and more (source: ICF 2009), can you afford not to invest in it?

Here are 3 great rea­sons why it’s a good idea to invest in coach­ing and men­tor­ing for your staff.

1. In-house coaching reduces the need for external training

The key dif­fer­ence between coach­ing and train­ing is that employ­ees who are coached are encour­aged to think inde­pen­dent­ly, rather than employ­ees who are trained and are often ‘spoon-fed’ the solu­tions to their chal­lenges. The skills learned can be trans­ferred and applied to any project, team or conversation. 

There are two main types of coach­es and men­tors, those that are devel­oped inter­nal­ly and oth­ers that are hired from exter­nal com­pa­nies. Often the use of exter­nal ser­vices can be very cost­ly and time-con­sum­ing, where­as using your own inter­est­ed staff is a cheap­er option. Inter­nal coach­es can trans­fer their skills and knowl­edge to oth­er col­leagues that are inter­est­ed in becom­ing a coach or men­tor. Finan­cial­ly it’s more ben­e­fi­cial for com­pa­nies to train their own staff to become coach­es and men­tors than it is to out­source coaches.

2. It’s a more effective way to learn

Evi­dence shows that the major­i­ty of infor­ma­tion dis­played in train­ing pre­sen­ta­tions is for­got­ten the fol­low­ing day. Where­as, coach­ing and men­tor­ing ses­sions have been proven to more effec­tive­ly deliv­er the infor­ma­tion in a way that enables staff to remem­ber and apply a larg­er per­cent­age of the content.

Two decades of research by Joyce and Show­ers has shown that improv­ing per­for­mance requires a num­ber of key com­po­nents. When com­bined effec­tive­ly; the­o­ry, mod­el­ing, prac­tice, and coach­ing can lead to a 95% chance of skill trans­fer and behav­iour change in the train­ing room.
























Unfor­tu­nate­ly, it isn’t free, at least not at first. Estab­lish­ing pro­grammes and devel­op­ing inter­nal coach­es will cost time and mon­ey to achieve. How­ev­er, work­place learn­ing pro­motes coach­ing at the point of need and is sig­nif­i­cant­ly bet­ter for embed­ding learn­ing. More effec­tive learn­ing means time-to-com­pe­ten­cy is reduced and employ­ee engage­ment is increased. This sug­gests that the invest­ment is in the wider organ­i­sa­tion too, jus­ti­fy­ing costs and how, in real­i­ty, it’s great val­ue for money.

3. It’s a more effective way to learn

In-house coach­es will already know and under­stand the cul­ture, his­to­ry, and pol­i­tics of the organ­i­sa­tion. They are more read­i­ly avail­able and exist­ing long-term rela­tion­ships can pro­vide many ben­e­fits for indi­vid­u­als. Organ­i­sa­tions who embed a coach­ing cul­ture gen­er­al­ly have a high­er skilled work­force and once in-house teams are estab­lished, the costs are like­ly to fall sharply. As more lead­ers expe­ri­ence the ben­e­fits of effec­tive coach­ing and men­tor­ing, the recog­ni­tion of its busi­ness val­ue and there­fore the pre­pared­ness to invest can only increase.

For more infor­ma­tion on cre­at­ing mean­ing­ful coach­ing and men­tor­ing rela­tion­ships, down­load our guide.


3 rea­sons coach­ing and men­tor­ing are worth your investment
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