Once upon a time, coach­ing and men­tor­ing were reserved for senior man­agers and com­pa­ny direc­tors, but now, coach­ing and men­tor­ing is con­sid­ered a worth­while tool for every­one. Whether sought out by organ­i­sa­tions to improve busi­ness out­comes or invest­ed in by an indi­vid­ual to help achieve per­son­al aspi­ra­tions, both coach­ing and men­tor­ing are incred­i­bly use­ful tools to improve performance.


This guide will:

  • Demon­strate the val­ue and dif­fer­ence of coach­ing and men­tor­ing from oth­er devel­op­ment activities
  • Pro­vide you with a foun­da­tion to devel­op mean­ing­ful coach­ing and men­tor­ing relationships
  • Help you to devel­op a coach­ing and men­tor­ing pro­gramme to fit with your time and bud­get pressures
  • Assist you in grow­ing a work­place cul­ture with coach­ing and men­tor­ing at its heart


Download the guide