Learn­ing on the job is the most impor­tant part of train­ing. Why? Because it’s not train­ing that’s just giv­en to employ­ees, but some­thing that they can par­tic­i­pate in. 

As we well know, the major­i­ty of learn­ing occurs in the 70% and learn­ing on the job is a major part of that. How­ev­er, often, train­ing takes place away from the job floor, either in a spe­cif­ic train­ing room or many miles away from the office, this can put a wall between what the employ­ees are learn­ing and how they are work­ing everyday.

On the job train­ing, more than any­thing else, ensures that learn­ing is embed­ded in the work­place and that behav­iour has been changed. Project Man­age­ment Institute’s Lead Instruc­tion­al Design­er Karen Hol­loway said, “The in situ expe­ri­ence helps strength­en recall of infor­ma­tion in a way that class­room learn­ing can’t.”

This blog cov­ers just a few of the rea­sons why learn­ing on the job is so ben­e­fi­cial to both the employ­ee and the employer.

1. It’s personalised

Your busi­ness is unique. This unique­ness can cov­er every­thing from the prod­ucts you devel­op to your com­pa­ny val­ues. Com­mu­ni­cat­ing this can be very hard when employ­ees are tak­en away from the work­place and dropped into train­ing that is removed from their envi­ron­ment or pro­vid­ed with off-the-shelf train­ing content. 

Mov­ing train­ing to on the job allows you to tai­lor every learn­ing oppor­tu­ni­ty to the required out­come whilst also keep­ing it per­son­al, man­age­able and scal­able. You can ensure that your employ­ees are get­ting the train­ing as and when they need it with the addi­tion­al touch of being unique to your com­pa­ny’s val­ues and aims. 

2. It’s more cost-effective

In-house, on the job train­ing is the most cost-effec­tive train­ing you can pro­vide sim­ply because you don’t need to put as much mon­ey into it as you would train­ing providers or con­tent providers. Also, as it hap­pens, when peo­ple are work­ing you don’t need to pro­vide cov­er or take them away to their day to day jobs to train them. You spend way less money.

Learning on the job

3. It’s appropriate to your employees needs

This form of train­ing can be imple­ment­ed when the need arrives. It can be spon­ta­neous yet effec­tive. It can be applied to employ­ees as and when they need to learn with­out a great deal of sched­ul­ing and organ­i­sa­tion. If an employ­ee express­es a con­cern or you iden­ti­fy a need to imple­ment train­ing it can be done extreme­ly quick­ly and effectively. 

4. Enhances behaviour change

When train­ing occurs in the work­place it can be put into effect imme­di­ate­ly. It focus­es pre­dom­i­nant­ly on employ­ee skills and their appli­ca­tions. As research shows, learn­ing on the job is the most effec­tive way to make sure that employ­ees change their behav­iour as a result of their train­ing. Its impact is faster and often sig­nif­i­cant­ly larg­er than oth­er train­ing forms. 

5. It saves time

For the most part, you don’t have to remove peo­ple from their every­day envi­ron­ment in order to ini­ti­ate train­ing. They are learn­ing whilst they are work­ing so they’re tech­ni­cal­ly still doing their job. Its effec­tive and effi­cient, and if you take it fur­ther and teach co-work­ers to teach each oth­er, it saves even more time for man­agers and coaches.

6. It’s more engaging

As the train­ing direct­ly influ­ences the every­day, it becomes a more engag­ing func­tion. It allows the effects of the train­ing inter­ven­tion to be seen almost imme­di­ate­ly, adding val­ue to the train­ing. If employ­ees see the val­ue in the train­ing then they are more like­ly to take it on board, unlike class­room train­ing which we all know can be very dull.

7. Great for collaboration and communication

Rather than using exter­nal train­ers and fit­ting to a spe­cif­ic course or con­tent, learn­ing on the job allows for com­mu­ni­ca­tion between all par­ties. This includes, man­agers, coach­es, direc­tors, team lead­ers and every­one in between. It pro­motes an active con­ver­sa­tion around train­ing in the work­place, increas­ing col­lab­o­ra­tion and com­mu­ni­ca­tion across the organisation.

To under­stand the ben­e­fits of becom­ing an effec­tive learn­ing organ­i­sa­tion, down­load your free copy of the whitepa­per, Vision for Learn­ing Organ­i­sa­tion.   

vision for learning organisations CTA  

7 rea­sons why learn­ing on the job is more effective