Video record­ing is a key com­po­nent of GP train­ing around the coun­try. It allows train­ers to observe their reg­is­trars and med­ical stu­dents in prac­tice with patients for dis­cus­sion and feed­back. Video is also used to pro­vide prac­ti­cal evi­dence for train­er and GP reac­cred­i­ta­tion and, in some areas, also sup­ports clin­i­cal skills assess­ment and med­ical simulations.

Yet, clunky video cam­eras, room restric­tions, lack of secu­ri­ty and data com­pli­ance, out of date edit­ing sys­tems and tem­pera­men­tal hard­ware, make record­ing patients a risky, stress­ful and time-con­sum­ing activity. 

iConnect’s app and plat­form reduces the stress of record­ing and review­ing in clin­i­cal environments. 

This blog explores the 3 main ben­e­fits of using an app and plat­form based record­ing sys­tem for GP training.

1. Accessibility

As the iCon­nect app can be used on any smart device (android, IOS, tablets, phones etc), record­ing con­sul­ta­tions are no longer restrict­ed to a spe­cif­ic con­sul­ta­tion room or lim­it­ed by your avail­able hard­ware. If you have a smart­phone, you can quick­ly and secure­ly record your con­sul­ta­tion at the click of a button.

This means record­ing clin­i­cal envi­ron­ments has nev­er been more flex­i­ble or acces­si­ble. In large GP train­ing prac­tices, mul­ti­ple peo­ple can record simul­ta­ne­ous­ly and tra­di­tion­al cam­eras, web­cams, and oth­er record­ing sys­tems become a thing of the past. After all, you wouldn’t take one of these anti­quat­ed cam­eras on hol­i­day with you, so why are you still using them to record reg­is­trar consultations?

By stor­ing videos on our online plat­form, you can access video con­tent at any time. This means that train­ers and reg­is­trars can reflect on, give and receive feed­back and analyse the video flex­i­bly. What’s more, as the plat­form has a num­ber of ana­lyt­i­cal and com­men­tary tools, nav­i­gat­ing video con­tent becomes much sim­pler and more effec­tive for both the reg­is­trar and trainer. 

GP Training New


2. Ease of use

Using an app allows you to start record­ing at the click of a but­ton. Once the record­ing is com­plete, the app will auto­mat­i­cal­ly upload the video to the online plat­form. Videos will be where they are sup­posed to be, easy to find and easy to access every sin­gle time. 

With just one more click you will be able to share record­ed con­sul­ta­tions with train­ers and reg­is­trars secure­ly. Upload­ing and search­ing through files and fold­ers, individual’s com­put­ers, hard dri­ves and some­times even phones, which takes up valu­able train­ing time, is no longer an issue.


“It’s a great teach­ing tool to enable trainees to reflect on their own con­sul­ta­tions. They can also either pick ran­dom cas­es, or what they feel to be their best or worst cas­es, to show to their train­er or their peer group.” — Dr James Bur­den, Lake­side Med­ical Practice

3. Security

With any hard­ware, secu­ri­ty is a con­cern. Patient data shouldn’t be a pass­ing thought but a cru­cial fea­ture of any record­ing sys­tem you wish to imple­ment. Unfor­tu­nate­ly, with the major­i­ty of tra­di­tion­al record­ing hard­ware, this isn’t the case. 

With iConnect’s app-based sys­tem, data pro­tec­tion is assured at every stage of the record­ing and upload­ing process. The app hides the video file through­out the record­ing and auto­mat­i­cal­ly deletes the video once the upload to the plat­form is com­plete. It is impos­si­ble to access or export the video file from the record­ing device. This means that at every stage dur­ing the record­ing and upload process the video remains 100% secure and is nev­er compromised.

The plat­form itself utilis­es a world-class stor­age envi­ron­ment that has a state of the art net­work secu­ri­ty ful­ly com­pli­ant with GDPR, EU Data Pro­tec­tion law and a num­ber of oth­er data assur­ance pro­grammes. Patient con­fi­den­tial­i­ty and the pro­tec­tion of high­ly sen­si­tive data is at the heart of our approach. 

Inter­est­ed in iCon­nect for your train­ing pro­vi­sion? Click here to book a demo.

3 ways iCon­nect can bet­ter sup­port GP training
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