Many organ­i­sa­tions have invest­ed heav­i­ly in learn­ing tech­nolo­gies. It’s been the com­mon approach to try and keep up with the diverse learn­ing needs of staff in com­plex dis­trib­uted organisations.

What can learning technologies achieve alone?

But, just as Ama­zon™ hasn’t improved books, most learn­ing tech­nolo­gies only real­ly address issues of access and scale. Many learn­ing man­age­ment sys­tems (LMS) and e‑learning plat­forms focus on deliv­ery of train­ing. They have tra­di­tion­al­ly done lit­tle to acti­vate the learn­er in the process of build­ing knowl­edge and they don’t apply what’s known about effec­tive skill transfer.

ineffective professional learning

We need to dig deep­er and go to the heart of the skill trans­fer process to under­stand the crit­i­cal inter­ac­tions need­ed for success.

To sustainably implement a skill, research shows the following activities are critical:

  • See­ing authen­tic exam­ples of prac­tice in context
  • Under­stand­ing the the­o­ry behind the practice
  • Prac­tis­ing in con­text and get­ting feedback
  • Work­ing col­lab­o­ra­tive­ly in con­text to refine skills over time

The real chal­lenge for ed-tech is to make these inter­ac­tions scal­able and sus­tain­able with­in com­plex dis­trib­uted organisations.

Read the new white paper, ’ A Vision for Learn­ing Organ­i­sa­tions’ for fur­ther dis­cus­sion and pos­si­ble solutions »

vision for learning organisations CTA

Cur­rent ed-tech: inef­fec­tive squared?