Effective GP Accreditation
and Exam Preparation
Easily master your exam preparation
After more than 6 years of working with GPs across the UK
we understand the challenges you face when it comes to GP training.
Easily get support from your supervisor or peers no matter where you are.
Save valuable time by sharing consultations for feedback when it suits your schedule.
Reduce disruptions in skills development by accessing training as and when you need it.
Reduce the mental exhaustion of GP training by conveniently accessing everything you need in one place.
Easily diagnose and receive support for learning challenges you might be experiencing during training.
Develop a clear learning strategy to follow so you know exactly what you’re working to improve.
Join thousands of GPs across the UK using iConnect
to solve their GP training challenges while saving time and energy
Your Solution
Everything you need for effective GP training and exam preparation
Easily record your consultations
Quickly and securely record patient consultations using our:
- GDPR compliant app for in-person consults
- Built-in video-conferencing tool for online consults
- Built-in screen capture tool if you’re using AccuRx
- Built-in call recording tool for phone consults
- Secure offline recording (without internet connection)
Quickly clip important moments
Use our easy video editing tool to clip longer sessions for:
- Getting feedback from your supervisor on a specific moment
- Sharing examples of best practice with peers
- Growing a library of practice to use for appraisals
Easily share your recordings
Securely share and unshare recordings with one click to:
- Share with your supervisor for observation from anywhere
- Share with your peers to collaborate and develop together
You have complete control of your library, no one else can access or share your recordings without your permission.
Receive contextualised feedback
Easily and conveniently get very specific guidance on your recordings:
- Receive useful time-stamped feedback from wherever you are
- Communicate with your supervisor at your own time
- Ask questions on a specific moment of a consultation
- Allow your supervisor to quickly pinpoint areas for improvement
Trusted by
What GPs think about iConnect
Take a look at some of the work we’ve done in UK healthcare
Peace of mind for HEE NW
Find out how HEE NW ensures their trainees are confident in providing high-quality patient care.
Transforming Lakeside Healthcare
Find out how iConnect has transformed Lakeside Healthcare’s approach to GP training.
Discover iConnect for yourself
What you get
Everything you need to save you time while working on your practice and preparing for exams.
- Free Apple or Android Recording Apps
- Unlimited consultation recordings
- Fully GDPR compliant platform
- Integrated video-conferencing
- Secure phone call recording
- Support via live-chat, email, and phone
- Easy sharing and collaboration
- Access recordings from any device
- Keep all your recordings in one place
- Safely export recordings for appraisals
Get 20% OFF for ST2 and ST3 GP Trainees
Use iConnect to easily master your GP exam preparation