Privacy Notice for

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What is this Privacy Policy for?

This pri­va­cy pol­i­cy is for this web­site: It is served by iCon­nect LTD and gov­erns the pri­va­cy of its users who choose to use it.

The pol­i­cy sets out the dif­fer­ent areas where user pri­va­cy is con­cerned and out­lines the oblig­a­tions & require­ments of the users, the web­site, and iCon­nect. Fur­ther­more, the way this web­site process­es, stores and pro­tects user data and infor­ma­tion will also be detailed with­in this policy.


Contact and communication

Users con­tact­ing this web­site and/or iCon­nect do so at their own dis­cre­tion and pro­vide any such per­son­al details request­ed at their own risk. Your per­son­al infor­ma­tion is kept pri­vate and stored secure­ly until a time it is no longer required or has no use, in accor­dance with GDPR. Every effort has been made to ensure a safe and secure form to email sub­mis­sion process but advise users using such form to email process­es that they do so at their own risk.

This web­site and iCon­nect use any infor­ma­tion sub­mit­ted to pro­vide you with fur­ther infor­ma­tion about the products/services they offer or to assist you in answer­ing any ques­tions or queries you may have sub­mit­ted. This includes using your details to sub­scribe you to any email newslet­ter pro­gram the web­site oper­ates but only if this was made clear to you and your express per­mis­sion was grant­ed when sub­mit­ting any form to email process. Or where­by you the con­sumer have pre­vi­ous­ly pur­chased from or enquired about pur­chas­ing from the com­pa­ny a prod­uct or ser­vice that the email newslet­ter relates to. This is by no means an entire list of your user rights in regard to receiv­ing email mar­ket­ing material.


Email newsletter

This web­site oper­ates an email newslet­ter pro­gram, used to inform sub­scribers about prod­ucts and ser­vices sup­plied by this web­site. Users can sub­scribe through an online auto­mat­ed process should they wish to do so but do so at their own dis­cre­tion. Some sub­scrip­tions may be man­u­al­ly processed through pri­or writ­ten agree­ment with the user.

All per­son­al details relat­ing to sub­scrip­tions are held secure­ly and in accor­dance with the GDPR. 

Email mar­ket­ing cam­paigns pub­lished by this web­site or iCon­nect may con­tain track­ing facil­i­ties with­in the actu­al email. Sub­scriber activ­i­ty is tracked and stored in a data­base for future analy­sis and eval­u­a­tion. Such tracked activ­i­ty may include; the open­ing of emails, for­ward­ing of emails, the click­ing of links with­in the email con­tent, times, dates, and fre­quen­cy of activity.

This infor­ma­tion is used to refine future email cam­paigns and sup­ply the user with more rel­e­vant con­tent based around their activity.

In com­pli­ance with GDPR sub­scribers are giv­en the oppor­tu­ni­ty to unsub­scribe at any time through an auto­mat­ed sys­tem. This process is detailed in the foot­er of each email cam­paign. If an auto­mat­ed un-sub­scrip­tion sys­tem is unavail­able clear instruc­tions on how to unsub­scribe will be detailed instead.


External links and embedded content

Although this web­site only looks to include qual­i­ty, safe and rel­e­vant exter­nal links, users are advised adopt a pol­i­cy of cau­tion before click­ing any exter­nal web links or embed­ded con­tent through­out this website. 

Exter­nal links are click­able text/ banner/image links to oth­er websites.

Embed­ded con­tent includes videos from oth­er plat­forms such as Youtube, Vimeo, Wista etc.

iCon­nect can­not guar­an­tee or ver­i­fy the con­tents of any exter­nal­ly linked web­site or con­tent despite their best efforts. Users should, there­fore, note they click on exter­nal links or con­tent at their own risk and this web­site and iCon­nect can­not be held liable for any dam­ages or impli­ca­tions caused by vis­it­ing any exter­nal links mentioned.


Social media platforms

Com­mu­ni­ca­tion, engage­ment, and actions tak­en through exter­nal social media plat­forms that this web­site and iCon­nect par­tic­i­pate on are cus­tom to the terms and con­di­tions as well as the pri­va­cy poli­cies held with each social media plat­form respectively.

Users are advised to use social media plat­forms wise­ly and communicate/engage upon them with due care and cau­tion in regard to their own pri­va­cy and per­son­al details. This web­site nor iCon­nect will ever ask for per­son­al or sen­si­tive infor­ma­tion through social media plat­forms and encour­age users wish­ing to dis­cuss sen­si­tive details to con­tact them through pri­ma­ry com­mu­ni­ca­tion chan­nels such as by tele­phone or email.

This web­site may use social shar­ing but­tons which help share web con­tent direct­ly from web pages to the social media plat­form in ques­tion. Users are advised before using such social shar­ing but­tons that they do so at their own dis­cre­tion and note that the social media plat­form may track and save your request to share a web page respec­tive­ly through your social media plat­form account.


Shortened links in social media

This web­site and iCon­nect through their social media plat­form accounts may share web links to rel­e­vant web pages. By default, some social media plat­forms short­en lengthy URLs (web addresses).

Users are advised to take cau­tion and good judg­ment before click­ing any short­ened URLs pub­lished on social media plat­forms by this web­site and iCon­nect. Despite the best efforts to ensure only gen­uine URLs are pub­lished many social media plat­forms are prone to spam and hack­ing and there­fore this web­site and iCon­nect can­not be held liable for any dam­ages or impli­ca­tions caused by vis­it­ing any short­ened links.


When you fill out a form on the website

Our Per­son­al Data Pro­tec­tion Pol­i­cy gov­erns the use and stor­age of your data. 

iCon­nect is a Con­troller of the per­son­al data you (data sub­ject) pro­vide us.

With­in the web­site the fol­low­ing actions require per­son­al data:

Form / Action Data col­lect­ed Rea­son for data collection Where data is processed  Where data is stored How long data is kept for Basis of Processing
Request a demo Name, email, org, job title To book a demo 1.Hubspot


1.East Coast US (AWS)*  

2. Ire­land (AWS)

Until request­ed to delete/unsubscribe Con­sent
More info request Name, email, org  To send more info 1.Hubspot

2. Podio

1.East Coast US (AWS)*  

2. Ire­land (AWS)

Until request­ed to delete/unsubscribe Con­sent
Pric­ing request Name, email, org  To send pric­ing info 1.Hubspot

2. Podio

1.East Coast US (AWS)*  

2. Ire­land (AWS)

Until request­ed to delete/unsubscribe Con­sent
Con­tent download Name, email, org  To send content 1.Hubspot

2. Podio

1.East Coast US (AWS)*  

2. Ire­land (AWS)

Until request­ed to delete/unsubscribe Con­sent
Sub­scribe to blog Name, email To send updates of when
new blogs added to our website


1.East Coast US (AWS)*  

2. Ire­land (AWS)

Until request­ed to delete/unsubscribe Con­sent

*Cov­ered by Safe Har­bour Agreement 

If some­one fills in a form but leaves insuf­fi­cient infor­ma­tion, we will con­tact them to ask for miss­ing infor­ma­tion, but if we don’t hear from them with­in a month their details are deleted.


Where your data is processed and stored

iCon­nect has con­firmed that any sub-proces­sors we are using to host your data meet GDPR and we have a rel­e­vant sub-proces­sor agree­ment in place.


How long we keep it

Any per­son­al data held by us for mar­ket­ing and ser­vice update noti­fi­ca­tions will be kept by us until such time that you noti­fy us that you no longer wish to receive this infor­ma­tion. Please see Data Reten­tion Pol­i­cy for more infor­ma­tion on our per­son­al data reten­tion schedule.


Protecting your data

iCon­nect takes data pro­tec­tion and secu­ri­ty very seri­ous­ly. Your data will only be avail­able to staff who need access to it, we only use sub-proces­sors who use mar­ket-lead­ing cloud data secu­ri­ty processes. 

Fur­ther infor­ma­tion about our process­es we have in place for pro­tect­ing your data can be found in these policies:

Data Reten­tion and Secure Dis­pos­al Policy

Inci­dent Response and Data Breach Pol­i­cy  

Per­son­al Data Pro­tec­tion Policy  


Third parties

Where peo­ple agree to receive the lat­est edu­ca­tion­al resources, offers, prod­uct news and info from iCon­nect via forms on our web­site, they also agree to receive emails and infor­ma­tion from the  iCon­nect region­al part­ner to man­ages their spe­cif­ic area. These part­ners have been cer­ti­fied by iCon­nect to exclu­sive­ly rep­re­sent them in spe­cif­ic regions. Use of this data by our part­ners will only be with regards to iConnect.

iCon­nect only shares data with our region­al part­ners and no oth­er third parties.

Below is a list of our region­al partners:

Smart­Move: North England 

Impact Mat­ters: South West England

Equis Con­sult­ing: London

M4L Solu­tions: Mid­lands and East of England

I am learn­er — Scotland

Do.It: Nether­lands

VIA Uni­ver­si­ty Col­lege: Den­mark

JAMK — Finland


What are your rights?

Under GDPR you may request a copy of per­son­al infor­ma­tion held about you by this website’s email newslet­ter pro­gram. A small fee will be payable. If you would like a copy of the infor­ma­tion held on you please see our Data Sub­ject Access Request procedure

Should you believe that any per­son­al data we hold on you is incor­rect or incom­plete, you have the abil­i­ty to request to see this infor­ma­tion, rec­ti­fy it or have it delet­ed. Please con­tact us through Data Sub­ject Access Request Form.

In the event that you wish to com­plain about how we have han­dled your per­son­al data, please con­tact Data Pro­tec­tion Offi­cer at [email protected] or in writ­ing at iCon­nect, Unit 11, Hove Busi­ness Cen­tre, Fonthill Road, Hove, BN36HA. Our Data Pro­tec­tion Offi­cer will then look into your com­plaint and work with you to resolve the matter.

If you still feel that your per­son­al data has not been han­dled appro­pri­ate­ly accord­ing to the law, you can con­tact Infor­ma­tion Commissioner’s Office and file a com­plaint with them.


Resources and further information


Edit­ed & cus­tomised by:

iCon­nect LTD

Unit 11, Hove Busi­ness Cen­tre, Fonthill Rd, Hove BN3 6HA