Cookie Policy for the iConnect web platform

This pol­i­cy cov­ers the use of cook­ies on our web plat­form, (,,,

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Use of cookies

We use cook­ies to bet­ter the users’ expe­ri­ence while using our plat­form. This web­site uses a cook­ie con­trol sys­tem allow­ing the user on their first vis­it to the web­site to allow or dis­al­low the use of cook­ies on their computer/device. This com­plies with recent leg­is­la­tion require­ments for web­sites to obtain explic­it con­sent from users before leav­ing behind or read­ing files such as cook­ies on a user’s computer/device.

Cook­ies are small files either saved to the user’s com­put­ers hard dri­ve or that expire when you close your brows­er that track, save and store infor­ma­tion about the user’s inter­ac­tions and usage of the web­site. This allows the web­site, through its serv­er to pro­vide the users with a tai­lored expe­ri­ence with­in this website.

Below is a list of all the cook­ies we use of on web­site, their pur­pose, cat­e­gori­sa­tion, and how long they are stored on your device for.

We con­sid­er “strict­ly nec­es­sary” and “func­tion­al­i­ty cook­ies” essen­tial to our web­site’s per­for­mance, smooth run­ning and con­tin­ued improvement.


What we need and why we need it?

We store some data in their brows­er rather than hav­ing to request it on every page load. In some cir­cum­stances, we want to return users to pre­vi­ous pages after an action. Typ­i­cal data we store includes:

  • autho­ri­sa­tion token
  • cur­rent user id
  • cur­rent organ­i­sa­tion id
  • return to path
  • brand­ing to use


What do we do with it?

In line with com­mon prac­tice, we use the data to pro­vide a more flu­id user expe­ri­ence by enabling us to refer to data in their brows­er rather than load it for every page or return them to pre­vi­ous pages after an action.


How long do we keep it?

We don’t — the data is secure­ly stored in the clien­t’s brows­er envi­ron­ment. The users have con­trol over the removal and clear­ing of cook­ie data. (We do not set an auto­mat­ic expiry of our ses­sion cookies).


Cookies we use:

Strictly Necessary:

Name Owned by Domain Dura­tion Pur­pose Cat­e­go­ry
AWSELB iCon­nect 1 hour Ama­zon load balancing Strict­ly Necessary
JSESSIONID iCon­nect End of brows­ing session Pre­serves users states across page requests Strict­ly Necessary
_athena_session iCon­nect End of brows­ing session Pre­serves users states across page requests. Strict­ly Necessary
request_method iCon­nect End of brows­ing session deter­min­ing the type of request to the website Strict­ly Necessary



Name Owned by Domain Dura­tion Pur­pose Cat­e­go­ry
__zlcmid Zopim 1 year Enables chat to con­tin­ue with us as you view dif­fer­ent pages on our site, or if you come back to the site later. Func­tion­al­i­ty
__zlcprivacy Zopim 1 year Set if you choose to dis­able the __zlcmid cook­ie and __zlcmid is deleted Func­tion­al­i­ty
_cfduid Zopim, 1 year Enables chat to con­tin­ue with us as you view dif­fer­ent pages on our site, or if you come back to the site later. Func­tion­al­i­ty
_fron­tend-web­form­s_ses­sion Podio End of brows­ing session To use data col­lec­tion forms on the website Func­tion­al­i­ty



Name Owned by Domain Dura­tion Pur­pose Cat­e­go­ry
_ga Google, 2 years Track­ing user behav­iour on site Per­for­mance
_gat Google, 1 minute Track­ing user behav­iour on site Per­for­mance
_gid Google, 1 day Track­ing user behav­iour on site Per­for­mance
Chan­nel ID Google no data Track­ing user behav­iour on site Per­for­mance
Chan­nel ID Google no data Track­ing user behav­iour on site Per­for­mance
mux­Da­ta Wis­tia 20 years Track­ing user behav­iour in videos Per­for­mance
__distillery Wis­tia 1 year Track­ing user behav­iour in videos Per­for­mance


Further details:

This web­site uses track­ing soft­ware to mon­i­tor its vis­i­tors to bet­ter under­stand how they use it.

Google Ana­lyt­ics

Google Ana­lyt­ics uses cook­ies to track vis­i­tor usage. The soft­ware will save a cook­ie to your com­put­ers hard dri­ve in order to track and mon­i­tor your engage­ment and usage of the website. 

You can read Google’s pri­va­cy pol­i­cy here for fur­ther infor­ma­tion. To opt out of being tracked by Google Ana­lyt­ics across all web­sites click here.

Zopim (Live Chat)

Zopim uses cook­ies so that you are able to con­tin­ue a chat with us when you nav­i­gate to dif­fer­ent pages of our web­site, or if you come back to the site lat­er on.

Oth­er Cookies

Please note that third par­ties (includ­ing, for exam­ple, adver­tis­ing net­works and providers of exter­nal ser­vices like web traf­fic analy­sis ser­vices) may also use cook­ies, over which we have no con­trol. These cook­ies are like­ly to be analytical/performance cook­ies or tar­get­ing cookies.

Oth­er cook­ies may be stored on your com­put­ers hard dri­ve by exter­nal ven­dors when this exter­nal­ly host­ed con­tent (e.g. videos, input forms) are embed­ded on the platform. 

You block cook­ies by acti­vat­ing the set­ting on your brows­er that allows you to refuse the set­ting of all or some cook­ies. How­ev­er, if you use your brows­er set­tings to block all cook­ies (includ­ing essen­tial cook­ies) you may not be able to access all or parts of our site.

Such cook­ies are used for con­ver­sion and refer­ral track­ing and typ­i­cal­ly expire after 30 days, though some may take longer. These include Podio, Wis­tia, Vimeo, YouTube.


Cookies subject to change

The cook­ies on the web­site are sub­ject to change with­out notice. You acknowl­edge that this infor­ma­tion may con­tain inac­cu­ra­cies or errors and is sub­ject to change and we express­ly exclude lia­bil­i­ty for any such inac­cu­ra­cies or errors to the fullest extent per­mit­ted by law.


Policy updates

We may occa­sion­al­ly update our this Pol­i­cy. You’re encour­aged to occa­sion­al­ly check back to see how we’re pro­tect­ing your information.